
Ready or Not
VOID Interactiverelase date
VOID Interactivepublisher
VOID Interactive
About Ready or Not
Ready or Not is an intense, tactical, first-person shooter that depicts a modern-day world in which SWAT police units are called to defuse hostile and confronting situations.
Please remember that the Beta build is still an incomplete version of the game. It will still have bugs and quirks, and will require lots of additional content before it is ready for full release. Because of our Supporters and with your help, we will continue to push Ready or Not, adding more content (new maps, missions, characters, weapons, etc.), and further refining it to get the game up to the standard that you deserve. We ultimately want you to be able to turn the lights out, crank up the volume, and be immersed in the action – bringing order to chaos.
Realistic Gameplay
VOID Interactive has consulted police units worldwide to make your virtual avatar play and feel like a fully equipped SWAT officer, creep or advance swiftly through tense scenarios as required by ever-changing mission conditions. Unpredictable assailants and civilians mimic the chaos of actual SWAT actions.
Authentic Equipment
In order to bring the world of Ready or Not to life we’ve spared no expense to make our equipment reflect the equipment that SWAT Teams utilize in the field, our skilled sound and art teams have created life-like replicas for you to use ingame.
Single-player and co-op experience.
Equip, customize, and command your AI teammates through levels to tackle all of the challenges that RoN presents you with as efficiently as possible or exchange your robot teammates for 4 friends and aim for even higher scores
Suspect behavior
Do your best to respond appropriately to the realistically erratic behavior of all of the subjects in any given situation, detain erratic civilians and move them to safety while combating aggressive and dangerous suspects.
Tactical flexibility
Using Tactical equipment such as a Breaching shotgun, Battering ram, the Mirror gun, as well as several different varieties of less lethal grenades, as well as many other tools to expand your squads ability to respond to certain threats or accentuate the chosen play style of your squad.